Monday, 14 December 2009
Monday, 2 November 2009
Friday, 16 October 2009
Pincha aquí para descargarte la ficha.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
De la misma manera que en una palabra hay una sílaba que se pronuncia con más fuerza que las demás, dentro de la frase hay también una o más palabras con sílabas acentuadas que destacan claramente sobre el resto.
Estas palabras que se pronuncian con mayor intensidad son las que aportan mayor información, por lo general: nombres, adjetivos, adverbios, verbos principales, etc. El resto de palabras que se pronuncian sin acentuar, son normalmente las que tienen menor contenido informativo y realizan más bien una función gramatical de enlace, indicación de tiempo, modo, etc: artículos, preposiciones, verbos auxiliares, etc. Así habrá palabras que destaquen sobre otras, y así se forma el ritmo de la lengua inglesa.
- Mira el siguiente enlace donde hay varias canciones. Fíjate que las palabras subrayadas son las que nos dan más información mientras que las otras simplemente sirven de unión.
- Ahora intenta distinguir cuales son las palabras acentuadas en los siguientes listenings.
1. Can you think of words that sound the same as these? Write them
1. meat
2. wear
3. nose
4. there
5. sun
6. write
2. Choose the correct words
1. Turn up the radio. I can´t here/hear it
2. I new/knew John when he was at primary school
3. I can sea/see the sea/see from my bedroom window
4. I can´t believe he eight/ate two pizzas
5. She threw/through the basjetball threw/through the window
6. Put the eggs in the bowl and add some flower/flour
3. Find and correct the wrong word in these sentences
1. I got a knew bike for my birthday _________
2. I red your letter last night ______________
3. I never where shorts in the summer _______
4. They´ve got a beautiful house by the see _______
5. Can you here music? _____________
6. Luke and Emma are staying with there cousins __________
7. Do you prefer fish or meet? __________
4 Write another word that sounds the same as the first. Then complete sentences 1–9 with the correct word.
a) where ……………
b) threw ……………
c) one ……………
d) eight ……………
e) red ……………
f) sun ……………
g) right ……………
h) here ……………
i) sea ……………
1 We drove …………… the forest to reach the campsite.
2 I …………… first prize in the art competition!
3 Who …………… my biscuits?
4 Are you going to …………… your new dress for the party?
5 Did you …………… Mark at the party?
6 I loved the book. I …………… it in two hours.
7 Is Sam Alice’s ……………?
8 Did you …………… what Sally was saying?
9 Don’t forget to …………… me a letter!
Monday, 18 May 2009

Pero, en realidad, soy muy importante. En el inglés británico no se usa mucho, a no ser que se trate de textos más formales. Pero en realidad el problema no radica en que sea casi invisible, ¡sino en que no sabéis distinguirme! Fíjate en las siguientes tablas. Mi forma es muy parecida a la del indicativo.
Presente Simple
I, You work
He works
We/You/They work
Presente Simple
I, You work
He work
We/You/They work
Con el verbo TO BE ocurre una cosa muy curiosa. Mira:
Presente Simple
I be
You be
He be
We be
You be
They be
Pasado Simple
I were
You were
He were
We were
You were
They were
¿Serías capaz de completar tú la regla gramatical?
"El único indicador de subjuntivo es que no se añade _______ a la tercera persona del singular del verbo. En el caso del verbo TO BE, en Presente Simple la forma es ______ para todas las personas, mientas que en Pasado simple la forma es ______ para todas las personas."
El subjuntivo tiene los siguentes usos:
a) Situaciones hipotéticas/irreales que no ocurrieron o no ocurrirán
I would buy a new computer, but I don't have any money.
b) Para pedir algo de forma educada
Would you please close the window?
c) Para expresar deseos
I wish I knew the answer.
Si quieres una explicación un poco más amplia, pincha aquí. (Enlace en inglés)
Thursday, 14 May 2009
El estilo directo reproduce la información de una conversación repitiendo las mismas palabras empleadas a lo largo del diálogo.
Direct speech: He said: 'I lost my mobile yesterday'.
El estilo indirecto reproduce la información modificando la forma de la conversación pero manteniendo el contenido.
Indirect speech: He said (that) he had lost his mobile the day before.
Como ves para pasar una oración de estilo directo a indirecto hay que tener en cuenta varios cambios:
- Los pronombres
- Los tiempos verbales
- Los adverbios y demostrativos.
Las oraciones en estilo indirecto se introducen con un verbo como say o tell y con la partícula that, que puede omitirse. Pero fíjate en la diferencia:
I said to my mother (that) I wanted to go to London that summer.
I said that I wanted to go to London that summer.
I told my mother (that) I wanted to go to London that summer.
El verbo tell necesita un objeto mientras que el verbo say no lo necesita. Si aparece un objeto en la oración con say utilizamos la preposición to.
Los pronombres y posesivos pasan de la primera persona a la tercera.
I - he, her; we - they
my - his, her; our - their.
Los tiempos verbales en el estilo indirecto cambian a su correspondiente en el pasado:
'I never eat meat', he explained. ----- He explained that he never ate meat.
'I'm waiting for Ann', he said. ----- He said that he was waiting for Ann.
'I have found you a flat', he said ----- He said that he had found a flat.
He said: 'I've been waiting for ages' ----- He said that he had been waiting for ages.
'John phoned' ----- She told me that John had phoned.
He said: 'I'll be there on Monday' ----- He said that he would be there on Monday.
'I'll be using my car' she said ----- She said she would be using her car.
'I can play the piano' the child said ----- The child said that he could play the piano.
'I may come tomorrow' my mum said ----- My mum said that she might come the following day.
'She must wear a uniform' the director said ----- The director said that she had to wear a uniform.
Los demás verbos modales no cambian cuando pasamos una oración de estilo directo a indirecto.
Tomorrow ----- the next day, the following day.
Yesterday ----- the day before, the previous day.
Here ----- There
This / that ----- The
This morning ----- That morning
Today ----- That day
Tonight ----- That night
Next / On Tuesday ----- the following Tuesday
Last Tuesday ----- the previous Tuesday
The day after tomorrow ----- In two days' time
ago ----- before / previous
Now ----- then
This ----- That
These ----- Those
Aquí tienes algunos ejercicios para practicar:
This music is horrible, isn´t it? (esta música es horrible, ¿verdad?)
Existen dos modelos de question tags:
a) Oración afirmativa+question tag negativa
They can speak English, can´t they? (saben hablar inglés, ¿verdad?)
b) Oración negativa+question tag positiva
You don´t play football, do you? (no juegas al fútbol, ¿verdad?)
La question tag se forma con el verbo auxiliar+el pronombre personal. O con there en las oraciones con there is/are/was/were/will be/would be
Paul drives fast, doesn´t he? (Paul conduce rápido, ¿no?)
There´s much noise upstairs, isn´t there? (hay mucho ruido arriba, ¿verdad?)
La question tag que corresponde a I am es am I not? o, como excepción a la regla, aren´t I?
I´m right, aren´t I?
Someone pasa a they en la question tag y el verbo al plural
Someone has broken the window, haven´t they? (alguien ha roto la ventana, ¿verdad?)
1. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag
1. They went to England, ___________?
2. Sheila has bought a new bike, ________________?
3. I´m too thin, ______________?
4. There isn´t any sugar, _______________?
5. Paul usually reads a lot, ___________________?
6. They can´t drive, __________________?
7. You don´t like football, ____________________?
8. Carol nerver smiles, ______________________?
9. You´ve just arrived, _____________________?
10. It´ll rain tomorrow, ____________________?
11. It´s a beautiful morning, _________________?
12. They´ve got a nice car, __________________?
13. Sheila hasn´t been to Italy, ________________?
14. I´m good at painting, ______________________?
15. George can speak French, ___________________?
16. Someone´s painting the house, ________________?
17. Paul likes chocolate very much, _______________?
18. They´ll visit us soon, _____________________?
19. Shirley´s going to the doctor tomorrow, ______________?
20. There aren´t many cinemas in this toen, _____________?
21. Nobody´s opened the door, _________________?
Monday, 11 May 2009
Su estructura es:
If clause: If + Past Perfect tense
Main clause: would/could/might + have + past participle
Aquí tienes varios ejemplos:
If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.
Si yo hubiera ganado la lotería, habría viajado por todo el mundo.
If I had seen him, I would have told him about you.
Si lo hubiese visto, le habría contado acerca de ti.
If I had known the answer, I would have raised my hand.
Si hubiese sabido la respuesta, habría levantado mi mano.
If she had come on Saturday, I would have seen her.
Si ella hubiese venido el sábado, la habría visto.
If they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time.
Si ellos hubiesen salido más temprano, habrían llegado a tiempo.
If we had studied harder, we might have passed the test.
Si hubiésemos estudiado más duro, podríamos haber aprobado la prueba.
If you had gone to Brazil, you would have had lots of fun.
Si tu hubieses ido a Brasil, habrías tenido mucha diversión.
If I hadn't been so busy, I could have helped you.
Si no hubiese estado tan ocupado, te podría haber ayudado.
Ahora practica tú haciendo estas actividades:
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3 (mezcla los 3 tipos de condicionales)
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Como la primera condicional, éstas constan de dos elementos:
- La proposición condicional, que empieza por IF, y que expresa la condición necesaria para que se cumpla o no la acción. Esta proposición lleva el verbo el past simple.
- La proposición principal, que describe el resultado de la acción. Esta proposición lleva el verbo en condicional simple, es decir, would ('d) or wouldn't + el infinitivo sin to del verbo principal.
eg. If I spoke French, I would look for a job in France.
Cuando la proposición condicional encabeza la frase, va seguida de una coma, pero ésta no es necesaria si la condicional aparece en segundo lugar.
eg. If I won €30.000, I'd buy a sports car / I'd buy a sports car if I won €30.000.
Ahora intenta hacer los siguientes ejercicios:
Ejercicio 1
Ejercicio 2
I´m invited to the party
You´re invited to the party
He/she/it is invited to the party
We/you/they are invited to the party
La afirmativa de la voz pasiva presente se forma con el SUJETO + PRESENTE DE BE+ PARTICIPIO
I´m not invited to the party
You aren´t invited to the party
He /she/it isn´t invited to the party
We/you/they aren´t invited to the party
La negativa de la voz pasiva presente se forma con el SUJETO+PRESENTE NEGATIVO DE BE+PARTICIPIO
Am I invited to the party?
Are you invited to the party?
Is he/she/it invited to the party?
Are we/you/they invited to the party?
La interrogativa de la pasiva presente se forma con el PRESENTE DE BE+SUJETO+PARTICIPIO
Yes, I am
Yes, you are
Yes, he/she/it is
Yes, we/you/they are
No, I´m not
No, you aren´t
No, he/she/it/isn´t
No, we/you/they aren´t
La voz pasiva se usa para describir lo que le ocurre al sujeto de la frase. Las frases pasivas subrayan la acción del verbo, que en estos casos será más importante que el sujeto que realiza la acción.
They are contacted by email everyday
The film was made in Japan
El objeto de una oración activa se convierte en sujeto de la pasiva:
People make this pen in China: This pen is made in China
Paul invited Sally to the concert: Sally was invited to the concert
En la pasiva no siempre se menciona a la persona que realiza la acción. Cuando es necesario citarlo, va precedido de BY
Sally was invited to the concert by Paul
1 Complete the sentences. Use the present passive affirmative.
How to make a mixed salad
1 The lettuce __________ . (wash)
2 The tomatoes __________ (cut) into slices.
3 The tuna __________ . (add)
4 The eggs __________ . (boil)
5 Salt, oil and vinegar __________ . (add)
2 Complete the sentences.Use the present passive negative form of the verbs in the box.
add /eat/ grow/ make/ serve
1 Bananas __________ in Britain.
2 Alcohol __________ to people under eighteen.
3 Pesticides __________ to organic food.
4 Pork __________ by Muslims.
5 Lasagne __________ with rice.
3 Rewrite the sentences in the present passive form.
1 People eat raw fish in Japan.
2 They don’t grow lemons in Britain.
3 People eat a lot of hamburgers in the USA.
4 They don’t chew gum in Singapore.
5 They make wine from grapes.
4 Complete the present passive questions. Then write short answers.
1 _________ melons _________ (grow) in Spain?
Yes, _________
2 _________ this room _________ (clean) every day?
No, _________
3 _________ El País _________ (read) by millions of people?
Yes, _________
4 _________ these books _________ (make) in Spain?
No, _________
5 _________ volleyball _________ (play) at the Olympics?
Yes, _________
6 _________ torrijas _________ (eat) in England?
No, _________
5 Complete the text.Use the correct present passive form of the verbs in brackets.
Ensaimadas … made in Mallorca!
Have you ever eaten the delicious cakes called ensaimadas? They (1) _________ (produce) in Mallorca, but most of them (2) _________ (not eat) on the island – they (3) _________ (buy) by tourists. They (4) _________ (send) to countries like Germany and Holland.
Mallorcan bread (5) _________ (make) at the same factory, but it (6) _________ (not export). It (7) _________ (eat) by the local people. The ensaimadas, however, (8) _________ (enjoy) around the world!
6 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1 English are spoken in many countries.
2 Our books are wrote in England.
3 Cricket isn’t play at our school.
4 Newspapers made from recycled paper.
5 Is tomatoes grown in Spain?
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Lo primero que hay que saber es que este tipo de oraciones son compuestas. Es decir, hay una proposición principal (sin If) y otra proposición condicional (siempre con If). Las First Conditionals se usan para hablar de una situación que puede ocurrir y es probable que ocurra, ya sea en el presente o en el futuro. ¡Espero que hayas repasado el futuro antes de empezar con esta sección!
Vamos a ver cómo se forma con ejemplos:
Ejemplo 1: If you win, we will go to the café. (Si ganas iremos a la cafetería)
O lo que es lo mismo:
Ejemplo 2: We will go to the café if you win. (Iremos a la cafetería si ganas)
Fíjate, podemos construir la frase de dos formas:
Ejemplo 1: If + sujeto + verbo en Present Simple, sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo sin to
En este ejemplo la proposición condicional es la primera porque aparece "If". "If" siempre va delante del sujeto. Lo que usamos para separar la proposición condicional de la principal es la coma (,). ¿La habías visto? ¡Pues es muy importante que la pongas!
Ejemplo 2: Sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo sin to + if + sujeto + verbo en Present Simple
En este segundo caso le hemos dado la vuelta a la frase, pero en realidad está todo igual excepto un par de cosas:
a) en primer lugar va la proposición principal y luego "if" inicia la proposición condicional (al revés que antes).
b) no hay coma que separe una proposición de otra.
Otro ejemplo:
If it rains, we will not go out.
Cuando negamos es más frecuente escribir la forma contracta: If it rains, we won't go out.
Ahora escribe tú la misma frase pero según el "ejemplo 2".
We _____ ___ ___ __ __ _______ .
Para practicar con un ejercicio pincha aquí.
Ejercicio 2. Pincha aquí.
Se usan varios tiempos verbales para expresar el futuro en inglés - ver el futuro con 'going to'
A continuación tienes más ejercicios para practicar este tiempo verbal, pincha en cada enlace
negative sentences in will Future
questions in will Future
mixed exercise in will Future
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Eg: How long have you worked here? I have worked here for eight months / since September.
Se utiliza for para referirse a la duración de la acción o la situación.
E.g. She has worked in this office for two years.
Se utiliza since para referirse al momento en que se inició la acción o situación.
E.g. We have lived here since 2007.
Para repasar el present perfect con for y since pincha en los siguientes enlaces:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Have I/you/we/they finished?
Has he/she/it finished?
Respuestas cortas
Yes, I/you/we/they have
Yes, he/she/it has
No, I/you/we/they haven´t
No, he/she/it hasn´t
Como veis, la forma interrogativa tiene la siguiente estructura:
Have/has + sujeto+ participio
Have you met MC Rex? (¿Has conocido a MC Rex?)
En las respuestas breves afirmativas no se usan las formas contractas; por el contrario, en las respuestas cortas negativas es más frecuente usar las formas contractas:
Have you sent the disk to the magazine?
Yes, I have (NO Yes, I´ve)
No, I haven´t (NO No, I have not)
1. Write questions with the present perfect.
1 you / be / actor / long time
2 you / make / many films
3 your brother / act
4 you / play / Hamlet
5 you / always enjoy / acting
6 you / make / many friends
7 direct / films
8 you / be / unemployed
9 you / write / scripts
10 you / be married
2. Look at the table below. Write true short answers for the questions from exercise 1.
Number of years in acting: 32
Number of films: 55
Brother made first film: Two years ago
Played Hamlet: Seven times!
Opinion of acting: Hated first few years
Friends in the business: Lots!
Director of any films?: 1 (last year)
Unemployed?: Never
Writer of any scripts?: No
Wives: 6
1 ………………………………………………
2 ………………………………………………
3 ………………………………………………
4 ………………………………………………
5 ………………………………………………
6 ………………………………………………
7 ………………………………………………
8 ………………………………………………
9 ………………………………………………
10 ………………………………………………
3. Write the questions for the answers.
1 …………………………………………………………………?
I’ve been an actor for 32 years.
2 …………………………………………………………………?
I’ve made 55 films.
3 …………………………………………………………………?
He’s been an actor for two years.
4 …………………………………………………………………?
I’ve had six wives.
5 …………………………………………………………………?
I’ve directed one film.
Monday, 27 April 2009
I have just written an email.
Fíjate en la posición que ocupa "just": siempre va entre el auxiliar (have/has) y el past participle. Su traducción varía un poco de la del Present Perfect, normalmente equivale a decir "acabar de".
Acabo de escribir un email.
Para practicar un aquí tienes varios enlaces.
- Juego sobre el Present Perfect. Pincha aquí. Tu misión será volver a tu planeta. Tendrás que ir disparando en orden a las distintas palabras para formar una oración. ¡Cuidado! No debes disparar la palabra "danger". Con el botón del medio y tu ratón podrás dirigir los disparos. A la izquierda tienes el indicador del combustible que te queda. Pulsa a la izquierda para comenzar.
- Ejercicio nivel intermedio. Pincha aquí.
I / you / we / they + have+ participio pasado: I have spoken.
She/he + has+ participio pasado: she has spoken.
I / you / we / they + have+ not + participio pasado: I have not spoken.
She/he + has+ not + participio pasado: she has not spoken.
Para lo verbos irregulares, usa el participio que aparece en el 3ª columna de la lista de los verbos irregulares (list of irregular verbs). Para los verbos regulares, añade -ed al verbo.
Hay ciertas expresiones de tiempo que que se usan con este tiempo verbal:
Already: significa "ya" y se usa siempre en afirmativa, se coloca entre el auxiliar have/has y el participio: I have already studied.
Never: se usa en las negativas y no es necesario usar la partícula "not": I have never been to USA.
Yet: se usa en oraciones negativas e interrogativas. Se traduce como "todavía". Su posición es siempre al final de la oración: He hasn't arrived yet.
Exercises on Present Perfect
Exceptions in Spelling when adding ‘ed’
have or has
Positive Sentences in Present Perfect Simple
Negative Sentences in Present Perfect Simple
Sentences with ‘never’ in Present Perfect Simple
Mixed Exercise on Present Perfect Simple
Tests on Present Perfect
Present Perfect: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
Si el adjetivo acaba en vocal, se añade -r para el comparativo y -st para el superlativo
large - larger - the largest
Si el adjetivo acaba en consonante, se añade -er para el comparativo y -est para el superlativo.
Small - smaller- the smallest
Si el adjetivo acaba en consonante+vocal+consonante, se duplica la consonante y se añade -er para el comparativo y -est para el superlativo
hot - hotter - the hottest
Adjetivos largos (de más de 2 sílabas)
Cuando el adjetivo tiene dos o más sílabas, va precedido de more en el comparativo y de the most en el superlativo.
beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
Si el adjetivo tiene 2 sílabas y acaba en -y, ésta se transforma en -i antes de añadir -er para el comparativo y -est para el superlativo
easy - easier - the easiest
Adjetivos irregulares
Todos son diferentes y hay que aprenderlos de memoria:
good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
Far - further/farther - the furthest/the farthest
Los adjetivos en grado comparativo se usan para comparar dos cosas o personas entre sí.
Mary is tall, but Helen is taller
Helen is intelligent, but Mary is more intelligent
En las comparaciones se suele usar la partícula than
Helen is taller than Mary/ Mary is more intelligent than Helen
Los superlativos se usan para comparar 3 o más cosas o personas entre sí.
I think science is the most difficult subject
Which is the cheapest camera?
La preposición in sigue con frecuencia al superlativo
The Nile is the longest river in the world
NO The Nile is the longest river of the world
Susan bought the most expensive camera in the shop
NO Susan bought the most expensive camera of the shop
1 Write sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives and than.
1 cats / quiet / dogs
2 pop music / good / heavy rock
3 DVDs / expensive / videos
4 Spain / big / Portugal
5 Australia / far / Austria
6 kayaking / exciting / tennis
7 Serena / successful / her sister Venus
8 buses / large / cars
2 Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of a suitable adjective.
1 In England, February is the……………………… month of the year.
2 June 21st is the ……………………… day of the year.
3 In Spain, August is the ……………………… month of the year.
4 The ……………………… person in the world is 124 years old.
5 The ……………………… man in the world weighed 635 kg.
6 China has the ……………………… population in the world with 1.25 billion people.
7 Tokyo is the ……………………… city in the world; a coffee costs nearly six euros.
8 The Amazon is the ……………………… river in the world; it is sometimes ten kilometres from one side to the other.
9 ‘Macarena’ is the ……………………… Latin recording. It sold more than 10 million copies.
10 Bill Gates is the ……………………… person in the world with $46.6 billion.
3 Complete the text. Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
I’m from a very big family. I’ve got ten brothers and sisters and they’re all (1) ……………………… (old) than me – I’m the (2) ……………………… (young). We play in a band. Andy is the singer because he’s got the (3) ……………………… (good) voice. He’s also the (4) ……………………… (confident) person and loves being on stage. I’m (5) ……………………… (shy) than the others and hide at the back! Tanya is the (6) ……………………… (beautiful) sister and she sings with Andy. Joe is the (7) ……………………… (funny) brother and he makes us laugh when we’re tired or nervous. Jack is the (8) ……………………… (serious) – perhaps because he’s the oldest.
Our manager, Christopher, is the (9) ……………………… (patient) person I know. He’s (10) ……………………… (tolerant) than our dad – and a lot (11) ……………………… (polite)!
4 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1 The more popular tourist destination in the world is Paris.
2 The successful football team in Europe is Real Madrid.
3 I think chocolate is more nice than pizza.
4 Mike is more hard-working as his sister.
5 Madrid is the highest capital city of Europe.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
I made dinner at 6 o´clock last night
El Pasado Continuo hace referencia a una acción que se estaba desarrollando en el pasado:
At eight o´clock yesterday evening I was having a shower
El pasado continuo y el pasado simple se usan en la misma frase para describir una acción que interrumpe a otra más larga en pleno desarrollo:
I was washing myhair when the phone rang/While I was washing my hair, the phone rang
1. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple and the past continuous in each sentence:
a) The doorbell _____________(ring) while I _______________(have) breakfast
b) It _____________(dark) when I _______________(leave) my friend´s house
c) A thief _________________(steal) my bag while I _________________(take) a photo
d) Mark _______________(ride) to school when he _____________(fall) off his bike
e) It _____________(rain), so I _________________(get) the bus home
2. Circle the correct form of the verb
a) When the earthquake began, we slept/were sleeping
b) The storm hit/was hitting three cities in the south of the country
c) the water rose/was rising quickly, so I was running/ran back to the hotel
d) At nine o´clock last night it rained/was raining
e) We were standing/stood in the garden when the hurricane hit/was hitting
f) Cars crashed/were crashing, so we were stopping/stopped quickly
g) We saw/were seeing the avalanche while we skied/were skiing
h) I drove/was driving home when the blizzard was starting/started
3. Complete the text. Use the past simple or past continuous of the following verbs:
Ej: This dress is too big for me. - Este vestido es demasiado grande para mí.
Enough se coloca detrás del adjetivo y significa 'lo bastante, lo suficientemente'.
Ej: This dress isn't big enough for me. - Este vestido no es lo suficientemente grande para mí.
Ahora haz el siguiente ejercicio:
Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning. Begin as indicated:
E.g. This house is too small for us.
This house isn't big enough for us.
- I'm too weak to carry this bag.
I'm not ................................................................(strong)
- The meal was too cold.
The meal wasn't ................................................. (hot)
- My brother wasn't old enough to get into the club.
My brother was ................................................. (young)
- The jeans were too expensive for me to buy.
The jeans weren't ............................................... (cheap)
Thursday, 16 April 2009
MUCH (mucho/a)
Se usa sólo con los sustantivos incontables en:
- Negativo: There isn't much lemonade.
- Interrogativo: Is there much juice?
MANY (muchos/as)
Se usa sólo con los sustantivos contables en:
- Negativo: There aren't many biscuits.
- Interrogativo: Are there many biscuits?
A LOT OF (mucho/a/os/as)
Se usa tanto con los sustantivos contables como con los incontables sólo en:
- Afirmativo: There's a lot of washing. / There are a lot of dishes.
Y como siempre, lo mejor es practicar con ejercicios.
Nivel inicial, pincha aquí.
Nivel medio, pincha aquí.
Crosswords sobre sustantivos contables/incontables.
SOME se usa en AFIRMATIVO con:
- s

There are some apples.
- sustantivos incontables (un poco de; algo de):
There's some water.
- sustantivos contables (ningún/a; nada de):
There aren't any apples. / Are there any apples?
- sustantivos incontables (algunos/as; algo de):
There isn't any water. / Is there any water?
¡OJO! En las oraciones interrogativas siempre usaremos "any" EXCEPTO cuando se ofrece o se pide algo, casos en los que se usa "some".
Would you like some tea?
Do you want some oranges?
Can I have some popcorn, please?
¡Vamos a hacer algunos ejercicios!
Nivel medio, pincha aquí.
Nivel avanzado, pincha aquí.
Monday, 13 April 2009
I have a house in the country.
I have got a house in the country.
I don’t have any brothers or sisters.
I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.
Do you have a cold?
Have you got a cold?
Cuando have se emplea para hablar de acciones y experiencias, NO es posible usar have got
She is having a shower at the moment (NOT She is having got a shower at the moment)
We are going to have a party next month (NOT We are going to have got a party next month)
Por otro lado, have to (3ª persona: has to) se emplea para expresar obligación externa"tener que", es decir que viene impuesta por alguien.
I have to study hard to pass this exam.
En negativo, don't have to/doesn't have to expresa ausencia de obligación, "no es necesario que"
Exercise 1: Add have, has or got to the following sentences.
1. They ___________some fruit.
2. He's ___________lots of friends.
3. I'm busy, I___________ got a lot of time.
4. This apartment is great, it's___________ a lot of space.
5. What have you ___________?
6. Do you ___________a pen?
7. Have you ___________a pencil?
8. We ___________got any juice.
9. They don't___________ much money, but they've ___________a lot of happiness.
Exercise 2: Choose have to / has to or don't have to / doesn't have to.
1. Every man ____________ to do military service in my country. It's obligatory.
2. When do we ____________ to pay for the next term?
3. Policemen ____________ to wear a uniform.
4. A pilot ____________ to train for many years.
5. Does Susan ____________ to work long hours?
6. I ____________ to get up early on Sundays. I can stay in bed.
7. You ____________ to have a visa to come to Ukraine.
8. You ____________ to do it if you don't want to.
9. My daughter ____________ to cook, because I cook for the whole family.
10. We ____________ to pay. It's free.
Ej: bad - badly, careful - carefully, nice - nicely.
Ten cuidado porque los adjetivos que terminan en -y la cambian por -i.
Ej: happy - happily, funny - funnily.
Hay algunos adverbios irregulares que no siguen esta regla.
Ej: good - well.
Y hay otros adverbios que tienen la misma forma que los adjetivos, no los confundas!
Ej: late - late, early - early, fast - fast.
Ahora intenta hacer el siguiente ejercicio.
Escribe los adverbios que correspondan a los siguientes adjetivos:
slow: ...........................
careful: .......................
fast: ............................
noisy: .........................
quiet: ..........................
good: ...........................
sudden: ......................
heavy: ........................
dangerous: .................
honest: .......................
Friday, 27 March 2009
I/he/she/it was sleeping
You/we/they were sleeping
Last night I was watching television
Negativa: sujeto+wasn´t/weren´t+ forma -ing del verbo
I/he/she/it was not (wasn´t) sleeping
We/you/they were not (weren´t) sleeping
My parents weren´t watching TV last night
Interrogativa: Was/were+sujeto+forma -ing del verbo
Was I/he/she/it sleeping?
Were we/you/they sleeping?
Was it raining yesterday?
Respuestas cortas
Yes, I/he/she/it was
Yes, we/you/they were
No, I/he/she/it wasn´t
No, we/you/they weren´t
En las respuestas cortas negativas se suele usar la forma contracta:
Were you leaving? Yes, I was/No, I wasn´t
1. Write affirmative and negative sentences. Use the past continuous.
1 play the guitar
√ Bob ______________________
X Marie ______________________
2 watch TV
√ Joe and Ellen ______________________
X Mum and Dad ______________________
3 sleep
√ Grandma ______________________
X We __________________________
4 wear trainers
√ My friends ______________________
X I ____________________________
5 have dinner
√ I ____________________________
X My brothers ______________________
2. Complete the questions and short answers.Use the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 A __________ (watch) the thief?
B Yes, she __________ .
2 A __________ (wait) for the bus?
B No, I __________ .
3 A __________ (steal) a DVD?
B Yes, they __________ .
4 A __________ (rain) this morning?
B No, it __________ .
5 A __________ (wear) a coat?
B Yes, I __________ .
3. Complete the dialogue. Use the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
A What (1) __________ you (do) __________ when the accident happened?
B We (2) __________ (wait) for the bus. Then we saw the red car and the dog.
A What (3) __________ the driver of the car (do)?
B He (4) __________ (chat) on his mobile phone. He (5) __________ (not look) at the road. He didn’t see the dog.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
I was
You were
He/She/It was
We were
You were
They were
I wasn't
You weren't
He/She/It wasn't
We weren't
You weren't
They weren't
Was I?
Were you?
Was he/she/it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?
Las respuestas son del tipo Yes, I was/No, I wasn't.
¡CUIDADO! Con el verbo TO BE no usamos nunca las formas did/didn't en pasado simple.
Were you at the basketball match yesterday? Yes, I was, but it wasn't very exciting.
¿Quieres practicar con algún ejercicio? En este caso es un juego, ¡pero tienes que ser rápido! Pincha aquí.
Nota: el juego te pondrá verbos en pasado simple y tú tendrás que ponerlos en su forma negativa, pero saldrán verbos de todo tipo, no sólo el TO BE.
- Last year
- Last month
- Yesterday
- Last night
- Three days ago
- A year ago
I studied maths yesterday.
I went to London last year.
I couldn't sleep last night.
La forma afirmativa tiene el siguiente patrón: Sujeto + COULD + verbo (sin to).
Ejemplo: I could play the guitar when I was small. (Yo sabía tocar la guitarra cuando era pequeño.)
La forma negativa es así: Sujeto + COULDN'T + verbo (sin to).
Ejemplo: I couldn't listen what you said. (No pude escuchar lo que dijiste.)
Y en la forma interrogativa ya sabes que hay que invertir el orden: COULD + Sujeto + verbo (sin to).
Ejemplo: Could you close the door? (¿Podrías cerrar la puerta?)
Si quieres aprender a diferenciar y usar esta forma verbal haz la siguiente actividad:
Complete the sentences with the modals CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN’T.
1. When Tom was 16, he was a fast runner. He ______ run 200 metres in 22 seconds.
a) Can b) Could c) Can’t d) Couldn’t
2. I'm afraid I ______ come to your party next Saturday.
a) Can b) Could c) Can’t d) Couldn’t
3. I'm not in a hurry. I've got plenty of time. I _______ wait.
a) Can b) Could c) Can’t d) Couldn’t
4. I was feeling terribly sick yesterday. I ________ eat anything.
a) Can b) Could c) Can’t d) Couldn’t
5. Can you speak loudly, please? I _______ hear you very well.
a) Can b) Could c) Can’t d) Couldn’t
6. "You look exhausted." "Yes, I _________ sleep last night.
a) Can b) Could c) Can’t d) Couldn’t
¡OJO! Lo primero que tenemos que tener en cuenta es que en inglés se distingue entre verbos regulares e irregulares.
1. Los verbos irregulares tienen una forma completamente distinta para el tiempo de pasado simple y tendrás que aprenderlo de memoria.
Si quieres aprender más sobre los verbos irregulares pincha aquí
2. Los verbos regulares forman el pasado simple añadiendo la terminación -ed a la forma de infinitivo del verbo:
I worked
You worked
She/he/it worked
We worked
You worked
They worked
Para la forma negativa utilizaremos el auxiliar did + not (didn't)
I didn't work
You didn't work
She/he/it didn't work
We didn't work
You didn't work
They didn't work
Did I work?
Did you work?
Did she/he/it work?
Did we work?
Did you work?
Did they work?
Respuesta corta
Yes, I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they did
No, I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they didn't
¿Quieres practicar con el pasado simple? Pincha aquí
¿Quieres practicar con un vídeo? Escucha y contesta las preguntas:
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
siempre-----normalmente----a menudo----algunas veces---------casi nunca----------nunca
- Los adverbios de frecuencia se colocan delante del verbo principal.
Do you always have a shower in the morning?
I don't usually go to bed after eleven.
- Con el verbo To be los adverbios de frecuencia se colocan detrás.
Ahora haz el siguiente ejercicio pinchando aquí.
I/you/we/they play
He/she/it plays
La forma afirmativa del presente simple coincide con la del infinitivo del verbo sin to.
La tercera persona del singular de la forma afirmativa siempre acaba en -s.
a) Con la mayoría de los verbos se añade -s al infinitivo sin to: read-reads; play-plays
b) Con verbos acabados en consonante +y: y se convierte en i; se añade -es:
study-studies; tidy-tidies
c) Con verbos acabados en -s, -z, -ch. -sh, -x, -o: se añade -es al infinitivo sin to:
watch-watches; do-does; wash-washes; mix-mixes
I/you/we/they do not / don´t go
He/she/it does not / doesn´t go
La negativa se forma colocando do not/does not delante del infinitivo del verbo sin to. Se suelen utilizar las formas contractas (don´t/doesn´t): I don´t like golf /she doesn´t like golf
Do I read?
Do you read?
Do we read?
Do they read?
Does he read?
Does she read?
Does it read?
La interrogativa se forma colocando do/does delante del sujeto:
Do you like tennis? Does she like tennis?
Respuestas cortas
Afirmativas: Yes, I/you/we/they do
Yes, he/she/it does
Negativas: No, I/you/we/they don´t
No, he/she/it doesn´t
En las respuestas cortas se omite el verbo principal (speak, teach, etc.) y sólo se usa el auxiliar do/does en afirmativas y las formas contractas don´t/doesn´t en negativas
Do they study Spanish? Yes, they do / No, they don´t
Usos del Presente Simple
a) El Presente Simple se usa para describir hábitos y referirnos a cosas que hacemos con regularidad: I play tennis every Wednesday
The class starts at nine o´clock
b) También se usa para afirmar que algo es siempre, o casi siempre, cierto:
My teacher speaks Italian
Water boils at 100º
c) Asimismo, sirve para hablar de las cosas que nos gustan y no nos gustan, y para expresar opiniones:
I don´t like art
She doesn´t think English is easy
1º ESO
1. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Susan ____________________ (play) tennis on Fridays.
2 Luke ____________________ (do) his homework in his bedroom.
3 Helen and Ian often ____________________ (watch) TV on Sundays.
4 I ____________________ (get up) early on Sundays.
5 We ____________________ (leave) home after breakfast.
6 Pete ____________________ (go) to bed at 11.15.
7 Jenny ____________________ (like) chocolate.
8 You ____________________ (live) in Paris in France.
2. Write complete sentences. Use the present simple.
1 Ian / have / shower / in the morning
2 Josep / not live / in Valencia
3 she / study / for her French exam
4 they / eat / cereal / for breakfast
5 the cat / sleep / a lot
3. Complete the text. Use the present simple form of the verbs in the box.
think- say- get up -watch- do -listen -sleep- play -study- like
My brother and I are very different. I (1) _______________ at nine o’clock at the weekend but my brother (2) _______________ until twelve o’clock! My brother (3) _______________ TV but I (4) _______________ video games. I (5) _______________ for my exams and my brother (6) _______________ to music. He (7) _______________ hip-hop, but I (8) _______________ it’s terrible!
Everything we (9) _______________ is different. My mum and dad (10) _______________ we’re brothers but I’m not so sure!
1 I live in Paris. _____________________________________________________
2 Sara likes Eminem. ________________________________________________
3 We play tennis on Sundays. __________________________________________
4 You study every day. _______________________________________________
5 Kevin goes cycling. ________________________________________________
6 Pete and Mark watch DVDs. _________________________________________
7 The cat drinks milk. ________________________________________________
5. Complete the questions with Do or Does. Write short answers.
1 _____________________ you get up at eight o’clock?
Yes, _____________________.
2 _____________________ Paula live in Spain?
No, _____________________.
3 _____________________ they go to school on Saturday?
No, _____________________.
4 _____________________ the dog like you?
Yes, _____________________.
5 _____________________ we have lunch now?
No, _____________________.
6. Complete the text. Use the present simple form of the verbs in the box.
start -like -watch- love -go- play- not go- have got- not live -like
What’s your favourite sport? (1) ___________ you football? I (2) ___________ football, it’s great! My favourite team is Real Madrid. They (3) ___________ at the Bernabeu Stadium. They (4) ___________ a lot of fantastic players.
My dad (5) ___________ Real Madrid play every week. He (6) ___________ to the stadium for every match because we (7) ___________ in Madrid. He (8) ___________ there once a month and I sometimes go with him. My favourite player is Raul. I (9) ___________ him because he scores a lot of amazing goals!
There’s a match on TV today. Now, what time (10) ___________ the match? Ah, yes, at three o’clock.
go -finish -have- read -start -watch
1 we / books (cross) magazines (tick)
2 my brother / lunch at school (cross) at home (tick)
3 volleyball club / four o’clock (cross) at five o’clock (tick)
4 Ana / shopping on Sundays (cross) shopping on Saturdays (tick)
5 Emy / TV before breakfast (cross) TV after school (tick)
6 Joe and Sam / football every day (cross) football twice a week
2. Complete the email. Use the correct present simple form of the verbs in the box.
be -do- go- like- live -meet -not like- not live- play- watch -work
Hi Jamie,
I'm your new penfriend. I live in London with my mum and dad. My mum and dad (1) ______________ in a bank. What (2) _______ your parents ________ ? I’ve got one brother called Harry. He (3) ___________ with us. He (4) _________ at university in Manchester.
In my free time, I often (5) ____________ my friends. We sometimes (6) ____________ to the cinema but usually we (7) ___________ football or volleyball in the park. My best friend Amy (8) ____________ football so she just (9) __________ us. What sports (10) _____ you ______ ?
Write soon!
3. Write questions for the answers.
1 _________________________ ?
My favourite pop star is Eminem.
2 _____________?
My birthday is on June 29th.
3 _____________________________ ?
No, I don’t like pizza, but I love pasta.
4 _____________________________ ?
I play football once a week, on Saturday mornings.
5 _________________________________ ?
My favourite sport is skiing – it’s great!
6 _________________________________ ?
Yes, I often go to the cinema.
7 ___________________________________ ?
I like Sam because he’s nice and friendly.
1 I …………………… collecting things. It’s my favourite hobby.
2 Paul …………………… to music on the bus.
3 Nicola …………………… shopping on Saturdays.
4 My brother …………………… martial arts.
5 My friend and I …………………… computer games.
2. Make questions and negative sentences from the sentences in exercise 1.
1 ………………………………………… ?
No, …………………………………………
2 ………………………………………… ?
No, …………………………………………
3 ………………………………………… ?
No, …………………………………………
4 ………………………………………… ?
No, …………………………………………
5 ………………………………………… ?
No, …………………………………………
3. Write questions and short answers. Use the present simple.
1 you / like fashion?
………………………………………………. ?
Yes, …………………………………………
No, …………………………………………..
2 your teacher / speak Japanese?
………………………………………………. ?
Yes, …………………………………………
No, ………………………………………….
3 your cousins / live in Spain?
………………………………………………. ?
Yes, …………………………………………
No, ………………………………………….
4 you / play chess?
………………………………………………. ?
Yes, …………………………………………
No, ………………………………………….
5 your best friend / study English?
………………………………………………. ?
Yes, …………………………………………
No, …………………………………………..
4. Write sentences or questions. Use the present simple form of the verb the adverb in brackets.
1 your teacher / be / nice (usually)
2 they / not be / interested in films (often)
3 I / play / football (sometimes)
4 I / not be / happy! (always)
5 we / go / to England (never)
6 he / get / top marks (always)
7 my sister / watch / films (hardly ever)
8 your cousins / not go / shopping / after school (usually)
9 you / play computer games / in the evening (always)
10 I / watch / football / on television (sometimes)
Monday, 16 March 2009
I usually have lunch at school/ I have lunch at school twice a week
El presente continuo hace referencia a cosas que están sucediendo mientras se habla. Suele ir acompañado de expresiones del tipo now, at the moment y today.
I´m having lunch now
El presente continuo también puede describir planes para un futuro inmediato. En este caso, suele ir acompañado de expresiones como tomorrow, tonight, this evening, next weekend, etc.
I´m having lunch at Pizza House tomorrow
3º ESO
1 Complete the text with the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
We usually (1) …………………… (have) a test on Mondays. It (2) …………………… (not be) my favourite way to start the week! Today is different. We (3) …………………… (not have) lessons at school because we (4) …………………… (go) on a school trip.
At the moment we (5) …………………… (wait) for the bus by the school gates. The teacher (6) …………………… (count) the students (for the third time this morning!). Jaime (7) …………………… (hide) behind me. The teacher (8) …………………… (look) at a list of names and now she (9) …………………… (make) a phone call. Who (10) …………………… she …………………… (phone)? Oh no! It’s Jaime’s parents!
2. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1 We hardly never see them.
2 Are you doing martial arts on Saturdays?
3 Do your teacher give you homework?
4 They go often to Barcelona.
5 Javi isn’t playing volleyball on Mondays.
6 I never am bored.
7 Are having a good time?
8 Maria like fashion and music.
9 ‘Do you want to come with us?’ ‘I love to.’
10 I always goes to school by bike.
3. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
1 We _________ (do) a test at the moment.
2 My parents _________ (not work) on Sundays.
3 _________ your mum _________ (work) today?
4 My sister _________ (get up) at seven o’clock.
5 I (not meet) my friends this evening.
6 _________ your best friend _________ (live) near you?
7 Jaime _________ (not like) dancing.
8 Look! Pedro _________ (copy) my answers!
9 _________ you often _________ (speak) English?
10 I never _________ (play) tennis in winter.
4º ESO
1. Complete the telephone conversation. Use the present simple or the present continuous.
Fiona Hi, Nadia. It’s Fiona.
Nadia Oh hi. (1) ________you ________ (ring) from Joe’s place?
Fiona No, I’m at the market. I (2) ________ ________ (look) for some shoes.
Nadia Are you serious? Why (3) ________you ________ (need) more shoes? You’ve got lots of shoes!
Fiona Well, I (4) ________ (want) to buy a new pair, but I (5) ________ ________ ________ (not have) much luck. And it’s after midday now, so the market (6) ________ ________ (close). Anyway, what about you? (7) ________you ________ (do) anything interesting?
Nadia Well, Kim’s here. We (8) ________ ________ (record) some music for her party. (9) ________you ________ (want) to come round? Fiona …? Are you there?
Fiona Hey, I can’t talk now, Nadia. This guy (10) ________ ________ (show) me a fabulous pair of earrings. I’ll ring you back.
2. Complete the sentences. Use verbs in the present simple or present continuous, affirmative or negative.
1 Alex often _____________to the radio in the morning.
2 We’re hurrying because we _____________to be late.
3 I don’t really like this ice cream very much. It _____________nice.
4 Julie will be ready soon. She _____________a shower.
5 Look at John. He _____________a yellow shirt because he supports the Brazilian team.
3. Write the questions and complete the short answers.
1 A: you / believe / in ghosts?
B: No, _____________.
2 A: the children / sleep?
B: Yes, _____________.
3 A: Suzie / always / wear / that necklace?
B: Yes, _____________.
4 A: this shop / sell / newspapers?
B: Yes, _____________.
5 A: you and Carlo / study / at the moment?
B: No, _____________.
4. Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
chat come go need not want not wear play revise taste wait
1 Adam ________ football every Tuesday.
2 Who _______ Pete ______ to on his mobile?
3 _______ you ________ to town with me?
4 I ________ some help with my homework.
5 This cake ________ delicious. What’s in it?
6 Hurry up Felipe! We ________ for you!
7 I ________ a tattoo. I think they look horrible.
8 I ________ those trousers to the party. They’re really old-fashioned.
9 ________ you ________ for your exam later?
10 ________ they ________ to the disco every Saturday night?
Sunday, 15 March 2009
I am (´m) cooking
He/she/it is (´s) cooking
We/you/they are (´re) cooking
El Presente continuo se forma con el presente simple del verbo be y la forma -ing del verbo principal. Suele traducirse por ESTAR + GERUNDIO: I´m cooking /My dad´s cooking
("estoy cocinando"/mi padre está cocinando)
I am not (´m not) cooking
He/she/it is not (isn´t) cooking
We/you/they are not (aren´t) cooking
La negativa se forma colocando Not detrás del verbo Be. Al hablar se suelen usar las formas contractas: he is not playing football/ he isn´t playing football
Am I cooking?
Are you/we/they cooking?
Is he/she/it cooking?
Afirmativas: Yes, I am
Yes, he/she/it is
Yes, we/you/they are
Negativas: No, I´m not
No, he/she/it isn´t
No, we/you/they aren´t
La interrogativa se forma colocando la forma del verbo Be delante del sujeto:
Are they dancing flamenco?
En las respuestas cortas se omite el verbo principal (Playing, cooking, etc.) y sólo se usa la forma correspondiente del auxiliar Be: Are you working? Yes, I am
En las respuestas cortas negativas se suelen utilizar las formas contractas: Is he playing volleyball? No, he isn´t
Cuando una pregunta incluye alguna partícula interrogativa (where, who, what, why), ésta se coloca delante del auxiliar Be: What are you doing?
Spelling rules: -ing form
a) Con la mayoría de los verbos, se añade -ing al infinitivo sin to: Play-playing; speak.speaking
b) Con verbos acabados en -e, la -e cae y se añade -ing: live-living; write-writing
c) Con verbos de una sílaba acabados en consonante+vocal+consonante, la consonante final se duplica y se añade -ing: swim-swimming; stop-stopping
d) Con verbos de dos sílabas, si el golpe de voz cae en la última sílaba y ésta acaba en consonante+vocal+consonante, la consonante final se duplica y se añade -ing: begin-beginning
e) Con verbos de dos sílabas, si el golpe de voz cae en la penúltima sílaba y el verbo acaba en -l, dicha consonante se duplica y se añade -ing: travel-travelling
El Presente Continuo se usa para describir acciones que están sucediendo mientras se habla.
Las frases en este tiempo suelen incluir expresiones del tipo Now (ahora), at the moment (en este momento), today (hoy):
Becky´s parents are swimming now / I´m watching TV at the moment
El presente continuo también se usa para hablar de planes para el futuro inmediato. Estas frases incluyen a menudo expresiones de tiempo como tomorrow, this evening, next weeken, tonight, etc.
Tonight we´re eating in a restaurant
Tomorrow we´re going to England
En español usamos el presente simple para referirnos a planes para el futuro inmediato (esta tarde voy al cine)
Los verbos que indican sentimientos y procesos mentales (understand, think, know, like, love, hate, want) no se usan en la forma continua:
I like my teacher NO I´m liking my teacher
I don´t know NO I´m not knowing
Do you understand? NO Are you understanding?
1º ESO
1.Write sentences. Use the present continuous affirmative.
1 You / read / my book
2 Jenny / watch / TV
3 My dad / sleep / on the sofa
4 We / swim / with our friends
5 I / listen / to music
6 The sun / shine / at the moment
7 Alex / cook / dinner / this evening
8 They / have / a party
9 You / eat / my pizza!
10 She / write / to her uncle.
2. Complete the paragraph. Use ’m not, isn’t or aren’t.
Elena (1) ________ phoning her friends at the moment. Enrique and Marina (2) ________ studying. I (3) ________ doing my homework and I (4) ________ listening to my CDs. Mum and Dad (5) ________ having dinner and they (6) ________ reading the newspapers. The dog (7) ________ sleeping. Why not? Because we’re all watching football on TV. We (8) ________ talking – Spain are playing Brazil!
3. Write questions and short answers.
1 you / write / a test?
Q: ____________________________________________
A: Yes, ________________________________________
2 two dogs / play / in your school?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________
3 Maria / get up / now?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________
4 your friends / sit / on their chairs?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: Yes, ________________________________________
5 you and your friends / sleep?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________
6 your teacher / dance / in the classroom?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________
4. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
The students from Lake High School (1) _____________ (not go) to school today. They (2) _____________ (visit) the Eden Project in Cornwall. Look, here it is!
– What (3) _____________ you _____________ (do) here?
– We (4) _____________ (study) plants from the Amazon for our biology project.
– (5) _____________ you _____________ (take) photos of your friends?
– No, I (6) _____________ (not be). I (7) _____________ (take) photos of the plants.
– Where (8) _____________ your teacher (go)?
– She (9) _____________ (go) to the picnic area. I (10) _____________ (not have) my lunch out there – it’s cold and windy!
2º ESO
1. Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs in the box.
cook - dance - do -practise - run - study - swim - watch - wear - write
1 Eva is in her bedroom. She ____________ a letter to her penfriend.
2 We ____________ in the competition at the outdoor pool after school today.
3 Look! Mark ____________ with Anita. They both like this song.
4 My parents ____________ English at evening classes this year.
5 I ____________ the piano at the moment because I’ve got an exam tomorrow.
6 You ____________ that awful T-shirt again. Why?
7 Stefan is in the kitchen. He ____________ a meal.
8 They ____________ for the bus because they’re late.
9 I ____________ my homework at the moment. It’s so boring!
10 Sssh! We ____________ this programme.
2. Make the sentences negative.
1 I’m chatting to Celia on the Internet.
2 She’s having breakfast now.
3 My parents are listening to a famous saxophonist at a concert.
4 Our team are winning at half-time in the match.
5 We’re sitting in our English class at the moment.
3. Choose one verb from each pair in the box and complete the present continuous questions. Then write short answers.
do/go eat/drink listen to/watch sit/stand talk to/shout wait/wear
1 _____ Alex _____________ for Sharon?
(X) _____________
2 _______ they ____________ pizza?
(√) _____________
3 _______ your parents ____________ in the car?
(X) _____________
4 _______ Ana ____________ Steve on the phone?
(√) _____________
5 _______ you _____________ the radio?
(√) _____________
4. Complete the email. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
do - go - meet - not go - not play -play- stay - travel- visit - watch
Hi, Deb!
What (1) _____ you _______ this weekend? I (2) _______ Sara on Saturday and (3) we _______ to the School Football League final match. They (4) _______ in a place called Chester, it’s twenty-five miles away! We (5) ____ all _______ by bus. We (6) _______ football, of course, but we (7) ______ . After the football match, we (8) _______ home, we (9) _______ at a youth hostel. On Sunday morning we (10) _______ Chester Zoo, it’s really famous apparently.
Do you want to come?
5 Correct the sentences. One sentence is correct.
1 What you wearing to the party tonight?
2 She isn’t have fun on the school trip.
3 I’m sending Maribel a text on my new phone.
4 We is eating in a restaurant tonight.
5 You are doing gymnastics after school today?