Sunday 15 March 2009


I am (´m) cooking
He/she/it is (´s) cooking
We/you/they are (´re) cooking

El Presente continuo se forma con el presente simple del verbo be y la forma -ing del verbo principal. Suele traducirse por ESTAR + GERUNDIO: m cooking /My dad´s cooking
("estoy cocinando"/mi padre está cocinando)
I am not (´m not) cooking
He/she/it is not (isn´t) cooking
We/you/they are not (aren´t) cooking

La negativa se forma colocando Not detrás del verbo Be. Al hablar se suelen usar las formas contractas: he is not playing football/ he isn´t playing football

Am I cooking?
Are you/we/they cooking?
Is he/she/it cooking?

Afirmativas: Yes, I am
Yes, he/she/it is
Yes, we/you/they are
Negativas: No, I´m not
No, he/she/it isn´t
No, we/you/they aren´t

La interrogativa se forma colocando la forma del verbo Be delante del sujeto:
Are they dancing flamenco?
En las respuestas cortas se omite el verbo principal (Playing, cooking, etc.) y sólo se usa la forma correspondiente del auxiliar Be: Are you working? Yes, I am
En las respuestas cortas negativas se suelen utilizar las formas contractas: Is he playing volleyball? No, he isn´t
Cuando una pregunta incluye alguna partícula interrogativa (where, who, what, why), ésta se coloca delante del auxiliar Be: What are you doing?

Spelling rules: -ing form
a) Con la mayoría de los verbos, se añade -ing al infinitivo sin to: Play-playing; speak.speaking
b) Con verbos acabados en -e, la -e cae y se añade -ing: live-living; write-writing
c) Con verbos de una sílaba acabados en consonante+vocal+consonante, la consonante final se duplica y se añade -ing: swim-swimming; stop-stopping
d) Con verbos de dos sílabas, si el golpe de voz cae en la última sílaba y ésta acaba en consonante+vocal+consonante, la consonante final se duplica y se añade -ing: begin-beginning
e) Con verbos de dos sílabas, si el golpe de voz cae en la penúltima sílaba y el verbo acaba en -l, dicha consonante se duplica y se añade -ing: travel-travelling

El Presente Continuo se usa para describir acciones que están sucediendo mientras se habla.
Las frases en este tiempo suelen incluir expresiones del tipo Now (ahora), at the moment (en este momento), today (hoy):
Becky´s parents are swimming now / I´m watching TV at the moment
El presente continuo también se usa para hablar de planes para el futuro inmediato. Estas frases incluyen a menudo expresiones de tiempo como tomorrow, this evening, next weeken, tonight, etc.
Tonight we´re eating in a restaurant
Tomorrow we´re going to England
En español usamos el presente simple para referirnos a planes para el futuro inmediato (esta tarde voy al cine)

Los verbos que indican sentimientos y procesos mentales (understand, think, know, like, love, hate, want) no se usan en la forma continua:
I like my teacher NO I´m liking my teacher
I don´t know NO I´m not knowing
Do you understand? NO Are you understanding?
1º ESO
1.Write sentences. Use the present continuous affirmative.

1 You / read / my book
2 Jenny / watch / TV
3 My dad / sleep / on the sofa
4 We / swim / with our friends
5 I / listen / to music
6 The sun / shine / at the moment
7 Alex / cook / dinner / this evening
8 They / have / a party
9 You / eat / my pizza!
10 She / write / to her uncle.

2. Complete the paragraph. Use ’m not, isn’t or aren’t.

Elena (1) ________ phoning her friends at the moment. Enrique and Marina (2) ________ studying. I (3) ________ doing my homework and I (4) ________ listening to my CDs. Mum and Dad (5) ________ having dinner and they (6) ________ reading the newspapers. The dog (7) ________ sleeping. Why not? Because we’re all watching football on TV. We (8) ________ talking – Spain are playing Brazil!

3. Write questions and short answers.

1 you / write / a test?
Q: ____________________________________________
A: Yes, ________________________________________
2 two dogs / play / in your school?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________
3 Maria / get up / now?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________
4 your friends / sit / on their chairs?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: Yes, ________________________________________
5 you and your friends / sleep?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________
6 your teacher / dance / in the classroom?
Q: ___________________________________________
A: No, ________________________________________

4. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

The students from Lake High School (1) _____________ (not go) to school today. They (2) _____________ (visit) the Eden Project in Cornwall. Look, here it is!
– What (3) _____________ you _____________ (do) here?
– We (4) _____________ (study) plants from the Amazon for our biology project.
– (5) _____________ you _____________ (take) photos of your friends?
– No, I (6) _____________ (not be). I (7) _____________ (take) photos of the plants.
– Where (8) _____________ your teacher (go)?
– She (9) _____________ (go) to the picnic area. I (10) _____________ (not have) my lunch out there – it’s cold and windy!

2º ESO
1. Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs in the box.
cook - dance - do -practise - run - study - swim - watch - wear - write
1 Eva is in her bedroom. She ____________ a letter to her penfriend.
2 We ____________ in the competition at the outdoor pool after school today.
3 Look! Mark ____________ with Anita. They both like this song.
4 My parents ____________ English at evening classes this year.
5 I ____________ the piano at the moment because I’ve got an exam tomorrow.
6 You ____________ that awful T-shirt again. Why?
7 Stefan is in the kitchen. He ____________ a meal.
8 They ____________ for the bus because they’re late.
9 I ____________ my homework at the moment. It’s so boring!
10 Sssh! We ____________ this programme.

2. Make the sentences negative.
1 I’m chatting to Celia on the Internet.
2 She’s having breakfast now.
3 My parents are listening to a famous saxophonist at a concert.
4 Our team are winning at half-time in the match.
5 We’re sitting in our English class at the moment.

3. Choose one verb from each pair in the box and complete the present continuous questions. Then write short answers.
do/go eat/drink listen to/watch sit/stand talk to/shout wait/wear
1 _____ Alex _____________ for Sharon?
(X) _____________
2 _______ they ____________ pizza?
(√) _____________
3 _______ your parents ____________ in the car?
(X) _____________
4 _______ Ana ____________ Steve on the phone?
(√) _____________
5 _______ you _____________ the radio?
(√) _____________

4. Complete the email. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
do - go - meet - not go - not play -play- stay - travel- visit - watch
Hi, Deb!
What (1) _____ you _______ this weekend? I (2) _______ Sara on Saturday and (3) we _______ to the School Football League final match. They (4) _______ in a place called Chester, it’s twenty-five miles away! We (5) ____ all _______ by bus. We (6) _______ football, of course, but we (7) ______ . After the football match, we (8) _______ home, we (9) _______ at a youth hostel. On Sunday morning we (10) _______ Chester Zoo, it’s really famous apparently.
Do you want to come?

5 Correct the sentences. One sentence is correct.
1 What you wearing to the party tonight?
2 She isn’t have fun on the school trip.
3 I’m sending Maribel a text on my new phone.
4 We is eating in a restaurant tonight.
5 You are doing gymnastics after school today?

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